Lime plaster to hempcrete block extension:
2019 Derbyshire
lime plaster contractor
Two coat lime plaster onto hempcrete blocks. The basecoat is 8-10mm and the top coat 5-6mm.
The basecoat is NHL2 and sharp sand 2:5 by volume and the top coat is Solo by Lime Green-Products.
The slight texture is from using a hard float to finish and makes the plaster more breathable, it also gives a beautiful soft light.

The hempcrete blocks are set 20mm off the oak so that by the time they are plastered there is a 5mm shadow gap.

this float was pretty new when I started the job, the more worn it gets the easier it is to get a good finish

I used the plastic trowel like a float to give the surface a final smoothing over (after floating with the poly float) and to push in any loose bits of aggregate

I used this old worn plastic trowel for the final lick just to consolidate the surface

The board is over some pipework that is hidden in the wall, hempcrete was the perfect solution to cover the bottom of the pipes where they were too proud to board over.

Cat on a door...... why not?

its always good to have a cat on a door in your album