oak frame and hempcrete
2013 France
hempcrete consultant
I was the hempcrete consultant on this project assisting with construction details.
Rob and Riq who worked for me travelled out and assisted with the oak frame and carried out the hempcrete works.
The thick layer of gravel is a low tech way of creating a free draining damp proof layer to avoid using plastics.
A hempcrete floor will be cast straight onto the gravel.
Note the low tech way of creating a crane; two poles strapped together (with a winch at the top) tied off to a tree.
The hempcrete blocks cloak the perimeter of the frame avoiding any cold bridges.
A small pan mixer was used to mix the cast hempcrete between the frame internally. Although small these mixers are very easy to use and quick to get material in and out of, they are perfect if your cast hempcrete is not very thick.
The cast hempcrete going up.
The hempcrete floor going down. If I remember correctly a layer of hempcrete blocks was bedded down first then the cast hempcrete screed used over the top.